Monday, May 19, 2008

nothing is a SURPRISED !!!

as i mentioned before in my last blogging ; i don't remember where i read the phrases or whatever it is. i finally got it. it's actually from the bible but different version no wonder the translation was so good.

it says "what happens now has happened in the past, and what will happen in the future has happened before, God makes the same things happen again and again". this version is so easy to udnerstand.

especially with the SiChuan earthquake going on ; no doubt people will starts questioning why this kind of disaster are happening again ??? at least this verse gave me the reason to it. it's not a surprised from god but as he said in his words....what had happened in the past and going to happen in future; it has occured before.

but of coz through all these i believe god is not silent about it. let us keep praying and let god's love surround them and knowing god is still in control in all these.

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